Thursday, October 18, 2007

Chemo 6

Chemo round six is in, so we are just waiting to see how it affects me. The nurses were pretty worried that the last round affected me so strongly. So they are writing up a med schedule for me, including when to eat and drink, to try to keep the nausea under control. I am very tired (therefore pretty drippy), but otherwise feeling OK.

Some new research was released last week demonstrating that, in a regimen similar to mine (AC/T), the taxane used wasn't very effective against the particular kind of cancer that I have. So, if the tumor isn't smaller at the next visit, I'll probably switch drugs. Although there would be some negatives to switching regimens - the new drug can only be given every three weeks, and is highly toxic - I am very pleased Dr. B is so on top of the research and that I have so many options. I just keep thinking about when my grandmother had breast cancer 30 years ago, and how few choices she and her doctors had.