Saturday, April 12, 2008

Our MasterCard Moment

Total Medical Bills So Far: $267,743.91
Total Write-Off: $145,799.62*
Total Insurance Payout: $106,254.61
Total Out of Pocket:$15,689.68*

Not having to pay the total medical bill actual value......priceless.

*More Write-Offs to come---the TOoP is actually much lower.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

A Slow Transition

This week we met with Drs S, Se and B to discuss progress (on two fronts).

Dr B pronounced Lynn "Cancer Free" today. Our next step is a bone density scan (in the next week or so) to be sure to have a baseline for the potential AI side effects. Our next appointment is in 3 months! Dr H is next week for a final surgery review and a (much anticipated) final stitches removal.

Cancer Free!!!!! After all this time, what we hoped for and now can rejoice in. Yes, on some level we still must be vigilant (constant vigilance!!!), but we are no longer treating cancer. We are in prevention. All that said, we are hoping that by Memorial Day we are done with everything except our pleasant and inconsequential chats with Dr B.

At this point we are seeing some increased redness, warmth, pain and swelling in the right breast. It's minimal right now, but considering we were at none a few weeks ago we are a bit concerned. Dr Se said that he really hasn't an answer for us, but said that if it gets worse, he suggests the removal of the implant.

Dr L has been in touch, but we still need to confer with him on next steps. Lynn has switched to a milder antibiotic that handles the infection that was identified earlier. We will probably be meeting with him again in the next week or so to discuss progress and make any decisions necessary. Dr Se has another follow-up in 5 weeks.