Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Happy Holidays

We are now poised on the precipice of what could be the end of cancer for good. With only a week between now and the start of radiation, the thought of the end is palpable. Of course, it's merely a arbitrary point we've defined as the end. There is still the possibility of more chemo (we still hope not). There is still the hormonal therapy that will last years.

The shift will be from the constant focus on destruction to the growth and nurturing of the new life we have created for ourselves. Slipping into our new normal. I still marvel at the chaff that has been burned away by going through this experience. The trivialities of life that no longer seem as important. May they never slip back into our lives in any way.

At this break in the rush in everyone's lives I want to say thank you. To those who gave what they could, for your generosity. To those who could not be with us physically, for your support from afar. To those who felt they could have done more, said more, or been more, for your ability to forgive yourself (for we hold no blame). To everyone, I wish a clean start to their lives this year more so than any year. Trim the proverbial fat and use this next year to focus on what is important, not what fritters you away slowly in triviality.

Much love to you all.