Saturday, December 8, 2007
Did Someone Get the License Plate?
We had a bit of a scare today when I got unwrapped to take my shower. Over the last few days, it seems the bruises from surgery have really developed. Dr. L warned us about this (I think - I wasn't really with it in the hospital...hellooooooooooo morphine drip). But neither of us tracked whether bruising was OK, or worrisome, or maybe both. Either way, I woke up in extra pain this morning, so when we discovered the fantastical colors hiding underneath the bandages, we called Dr. L. He wasn't sure what Zack was describing, so asked us to send pictures. That's right - we emailed digital pictures of my mottled, lumpy, steri-stripped chest to the doctor on a Saturday morning. Anyway, he called back and said everything looked fine, and to just keep up with the pain meds. So now you know, if those pictures end up posted on some celebutante website, just how it all started.
Friday, December 7, 2007
I'm Back
Having spent a thoroughly civilized afternoon - sitting up! in a chair! - I am feeling much better. My chest is very sore, and I have extremely limited arm motion, but I made it up and down stairs twice today with no ill effects. Solid food and I seem to have come to a new mutual understanding, as well. Even with a laptop, the keyboard is at the far end of my comfortable reach, so my posts will be short for a while.
Progress Report
We made it down the stairs today (yay Lynn!). She is lounging in the comfy chair by the fireplace (no fire lit as of right now, but we'll see). I am just about caught up on the chores around the house and was thinking about a mid-day nap. We'll see how that goes.
Lynn has mentioned visitors, so I want to invite everyone who wants to visit this weekend to let me know (via the usual channels). Keep in mind that these have to be shorter visits (like an hour, with an hour between), as she has very little energy. I am happy to entertain while she takes breaks, of course.
Lynn has mentioned visitors, so I want to invite everyone who wants to visit this weekend to let me know (via the usual channels). Keep in mind that these have to be shorter visits (like an hour, with an hour between), as she has very little energy. I am happy to entertain while she takes breaks, of course.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Road to Recovery: Step 1
Lynn has made the first major step toward recovery this evening. She showered. She says that she feels more human now. Given she is eating (if small portions) and is sleeping better, we are now completing step one of recovery and moving into step two: more activity.
I am very proud of her. She is working very hard. Thank you to everyone who sent flowers from near and far. They go a long way toward cheering her up. I hope for a Lynn post sometime tomorrow. I keep telling her she has lots of fans, but she never believes me.
I am very proud of her. She is working very hard. Thank you to everyone who sent flowers from near and far. They go a long way toward cheering her up. I hope for a Lynn post sometime tomorrow. I keep telling her she has lots of fans, but she never believes me.
Snow Day
For all those times I wished I didn't have to go out and shovel and get to work when it was snowy out, I have today. Sometimes you forget to appreciate the days you were wishing for at other times (is that english?).
We both slept fairly well last night. Bedtime was around 8ish after meds and clearing the drains. We didn't wake up until close to 8am this morning with a break at 4am for more pain medication. Drain output this morning was less, which is a good thing (I have to get over the thoughts that I'm doing it wrong). The pain medication is weaker than at the hospital so I am going to call Dr. L and see if we can do Ibuprofen in addition to what she is already taking.
Breakfast was green tea and a fruit smoothie (frozen strawberries, banana and milk). Lynn wishes she felt better. She was hoping to be sitting in a chair downstairs by this morning but we'll see if she's up for stairs this afternoon. Mingus came up instead as he was tired of being ignored. I'm thinking of making some banana bread this morning/afternoon as an enticement into eating more solid foods.
Update: Dr. L approved Ibuprofen. We'll see how that works today.
We both slept fairly well last night. Bedtime was around 8ish after meds and clearing the drains. We didn't wake up until close to 8am this morning with a break at 4am for more pain medication. Drain output this morning was less, which is a good thing (I have to get over the thoughts that I'm doing it wrong). The pain medication is weaker than at the hospital so I am going to call Dr. L and see if we can do Ibuprofen in addition to what she is already taking.
Breakfast was green tea and a fruit smoothie (frozen strawberries, banana and milk). Lynn wishes she felt better. She was hoping to be sitting in a chair downstairs by this morning but we'll see if she's up for stairs this afternoon. Mingus came up instead as he was tired of being ignored. I'm thinking of making some banana bread this morning/afternoon as an enticement into eating more solid foods.
Update: Dr. L approved Ibuprofen. We'll see how that works today.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Discharge was at 11:15 AM. Lynn is in bed and medicated and we are mostly unpacked. Just have to shovel the drive to get the car in and then we are in for good for a while. Thanks again for all the support!
We will post again when Lynn is ready.
We will post again when Lynn is ready.
Winter Wonderland
Outside it looks like a great deal of snow is covering the land. Very pretty.
Lynn is doing better this morning. She didn't sleep enough, but the fever is down to 98.6. Dr. L stopped by this morning and said that a low fever is normal post surgery. We need to watch for any sustained temp above 100.5 or spiking s well as any bruising, redness or heat in the area.
Though this room was big enough for the cot, the positioning kept the tech from being able to do some things so I was back to the recliner. Actually not so bad considering the recliner goes back pretty far and the cot wasn't that comfortable.
Dr. B stopped by last night to check in and also said she'd be back in the morning. We'll see what she says if she gets us before we leave. Dr. L says we can leave whenever we want.
Lynn is doing better this morning. She didn't sleep enough, but the fever is down to 98.6. Dr. L stopped by this morning and said that a low fever is normal post surgery. We need to watch for any sustained temp above 100.5 or spiking s well as any bruising, redness or heat in the area.
Though this room was big enough for the cot, the positioning kept the tech from being able to do some things so I was back to the recliner. Actually not so bad considering the recliner goes back pretty far and the cot wasn't that comfortable.
Dr. B stopped by last night to check in and also said she'd be back in the morning. We'll see what she says if she gets us before we leave. Dr. L says we can leave whenever we want.
A Change of Plans
Lynn woke up with a fever. They've been checking her every hour and even with Tylenol it went up. At last check (2:15 AM or so) she was at 100.8. Nothing terrible for someone in normal conditions, but now I am worried (and glad we stayed---I'd be a wreck if we were home). Our plans for going home tomorrow morning are temporarily on hold until this comes down.
A big thank you to our neighbors who have been watching our house and taking care of our cat and mail while we have been gone. I will update tomorrow morning once we know more.
A big thank you to our neighbors who have been watching our house and taking care of our cat and mail while we have been gone. I will update tomorrow morning once we know more.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Hotel California
Lynn has walked around several times. She ate a light dinner (broth, jello, cranberry juice and some tea) and kept it down. So you may ask why we are still in our hospital room. Well, because we're unsure as to the best option. The suggestion of the nurses was to stay the night and be sure to get things down and have breakfast in the morning. This would further confirm that she was good to go and allow the weather to clear up. Who am I to argue with reason? Ok, it's what I wanted in the first place--I don't risk much when it comes to Lynn.
Our plan is to leave in the morning for home. We can't wait. We hope our cat forgives our absence. He's ornery that way, but he means well.
Our plan is to leave in the morning for home. We can't wait. We hope our cat forgives our absence. He's ornery that way, but he means well.
One Small Step for [Wo]man... giant leap for Lynn!
Lynn walked to our new room. A good 50 yards (flowers from Jemma, Steve and Dylan followed--thanks)! We have now been moved to the A-Team. Seems that the head of the oncology nurses was upset that Lynn wasn't with her and found a room and moved us as soon as possible. Looks like her concern spread to her nurses as we've gotten the gold treatment for the past 2 hours. Lynn is now peacefully sleeping and is in less pain. Nausea hit again after the move, but she had also just exerted herself and was to be expected. We're cozying up for day 2.
Lynn walked to our new room. A good 50 yards (flowers from Jemma, Steve and Dylan followed--thanks)! We have now been moved to the A-Team. Seems that the head of the oncology nurses was upset that Lynn wasn't with her and found a room and moved us as soon as possible. Looks like her concern spread to her nurses as we've gotten the gold treatment for the past 2 hours. Lynn is now peacefully sleeping and is in less pain. Nausea hit again after the move, but she had also just exerted herself and was to be expected. We're cozying up for day 2.
There and Back Again
I was able to take a quick trip home this morning before the snow hits us hard. The general rumblings from the denizens of the floor was that we'd be here another day, so I wanted to take advantage of the clear weather to get home and shower, change, check messages (hi Michelle & Kelsey!), bring in deliveries (thanks for the pot pie Matt & Shelley!), scritch the Mingus and grab some things I forgot. Round trip = 1 hour. It's good to be close.
We had visits from Dr. L and Dr. S this morning. Dr. L inspected the reconstruction and seemed very pleased with the results. Given the pictures we had seen in his office, I have to admit I was pleasantly surprised. All things considered, things look very natural. Time & healing will tell the bigger tale, of course. Both doctors also echoed the sentiment of potentially staying another day (without using those words) as well as a focus on getting up and around first and eating second.
Special Note: We are changing rooms to 1081. Don't worry if something is already on the way. If it has Lynn's name, they'll find us. We're just moving down the hall.
We had visits from Dr. L and Dr. S this morning. Dr. L inspected the reconstruction and seemed very pleased with the results. Given the pictures we had seen in his office, I have to admit I was pleasantly surprised. All things considered, things look very natural. Time & healing will tell the bigger tale, of course. Both doctors also echoed the sentiment of potentially staying another day (without using those words) as well as a focus on getting up and around first and eating second.
Special Note: We are changing rooms to 1081. Don't worry if something is already on the way. If it has Lynn's name, they'll find us. We're just moving down the hall.
Internal Review
Seems that Lynn's insides aren't quite ready for food as of yet. Nausea continues with only slight recovery of the stomach and related items. She is going to get additional nausea medications (yay, more zofran!) and will continue with water--I'm hoping for broth or soda soon. Worried now that she is not intaking enough calories. She has not eaten anything since Sunday evening around 7pm. I will officially be worried at 48 hours---we are now past 36 hours without calorie intake.
Good Morning! Nice of You Guys to Drop By.
At about 5am I was up with the nurse's second check of the overnight shift. This might be the one time in my life where I'm very glad I'm a light sleeper. I think I slept about 4-5 hours between 10 and 5am, which is just fine with me--I'm awake enough now and helping to dispense some of the meds while Lynn sleeps some more. She was awake with me at 5am and had some pretty intense pain, but also wasn't on pain meds all night while we both slept.
At this point it's all about sleep and pain meds. The nurse mentioned water, broth or tea, so I am assuming they are hoping that she will take down more fluids and even some nutrients soon. Hard to do while she is sleeping, but I want her to continue to do that while I'm awake and can dispense pain meds for her. I figure if I can keep this up for the next 2 hours, she'll wake up considerably better than before--painwise.
For those of you playing at home, we are here at least until noon, but we won't know when we will be leaving until much later. Given Dr. L said that he would stop by in the morning or after, I wonder if he was assuming closer to evening. I think the name of the game today is nutrients/fluids and getting out of bed for Lynn. I'm not going to rush getting her home.
At this point it's all about sleep and pain meds. The nurse mentioned water, broth or tea, so I am assuming they are hoping that she will take down more fluids and even some nutrients soon. Hard to do while she is sleeping, but I want her to continue to do that while I'm awake and can dispense pain meds for her. I figure if I can keep this up for the next 2 hours, she'll wake up considerably better than before--painwise.
For those of you playing at home, we are here at least until noon, but we won't know when we will be leaving until much later. Given Dr. L said that he would stop by in the morning or after, I wonder if he was assuming closer to evening. I think the name of the game today is nutrients/fluids and getting out of bed for Lynn. I'm not going to rush getting her home.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Final Update
We are all settled in room 1065 (Hospital Info). Lynn is restful (in and out), has small bouts of nausea and is in some pain (was worse when she woke up, but the little button makes it go away fairly quickly). She will have oxygen for 12 hours and has compression on her legs right now. Asked for a cot for me later, but it's a small room so I might be sleeping on the recliner---let's hope for all involved that does not mean snoring.
We both look forward to being home whenever that is.
We both look forward to being home whenever that is.
Second Update
Dr. L came out around 3:30pm. Says the surgery went fine and she is now in recovery (yay boring surgery #2). I had the volunteer bring her hat down to her in an effort to sneak down early. She said that Lynn was resting peacefully. My favor in return was to mind the phone at the surgical waiting room here. I will send out a final update with the room number.
First Update
Dr. S came in much earlier than expected (1 PM). She passed along the news that Lynn is doing great and that everything went as expected (yay boring surgery!). Dr. L is already started on the reconstruction (we were given a 2-3 hour estimate by Dr. L prior to surgery). Lynn's parents are here with me and waiting for the final good news. Will write again once Dr. L comes in with his final update.
Pre-Surgery Update
Lynn was just wheeled away to the operating room. As much as I have faith in the people whose hands I have placed her into (and they have been great all day today and prior), I worry. I am not someone who cries easily and I teared up several times before she went. We are clear that we are at the end and need a long break from the whole mess. This is our do-over start. From here on out we begin again.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
24 Hours of Cancer
(Lynn) My mom said something great today at 4 o'clock: "24 more hours, and you don't have cancer anymore". In all the worry about the surgery and what it means, combined with the focus on the chances of recurrence, I'd forgotten all about this simple fact. The chemo knocked the cancer down to a (flat) golf ball sized lump, and the surgery will scoop out the remnants. Although there may be microscopic cancer cells circulating around my body, the cancer I've come to know so intimately over the last four months will be gone.
All I can say is, it has been a long week.
I've spent a long time looking in the mirror, both figuratively and literally. For me, dealing with cancer has meant 'going in', as my cousin says. Going inside my own perceptions about myself and the world, listening to my (constantly changing) feelings, and trying to regain equilibrium. On any given day, I am despondent, raging, resigned, and peaceful. This week has been the worst, emotionally, though I have felt the best physically.
The best part of the week has been the incredible outpouring of love and support we've received from every corner of the earth. I really needed you all this week, and you've been amazing. I am ready for the surgery tomorrow...I can't say excited, but I am as ready as I can be. It is just a change from one form to a new form. Caterpillars do it all the time, so how hard can it be?
(Zack) To the business at hand -- All of you have inquired about location information and timeframes. We know that we will be at the hospital until later in the day on Tuesday. I will post once I have more information on rooms, but here's the basics:
Lake Forest Hospital
660 North Westmoreland Rd
Lake Forest, IL 60045
Thanks again to everyone for their support this far. This is a major step for us (but mostly Lynn). It has meant the world that you have been with us.

Something to focus your thoughts for the next 24 hours....
All I can say is, it has been a long week.
I've spent a long time looking in the mirror, both figuratively and literally. For me, dealing with cancer has meant 'going in', as my cousin says. Going inside my own perceptions about myself and the world, listening to my (constantly changing) feelings, and trying to regain equilibrium. On any given day, I am despondent, raging, resigned, and peaceful. This week has been the worst, emotionally, though I have felt the best physically.
The best part of the week has been the incredible outpouring of love and support we've received from every corner of the earth. I really needed you all this week, and you've been amazing. I am ready for the surgery tomorrow...I can't say excited, but I am as ready as I can be. It is just a change from one form to a new form. Caterpillars do it all the time, so how hard can it be?
(Zack) To the business at hand -- All of you have inquired about location information and timeframes. We know that we will be at the hospital until later in the day on Tuesday. I will post once I have more information on rooms, but here's the basics:
Lake Forest Hospital
660 North Westmoreland Rd
Lake Forest, IL 60045
Thanks again to everyone for their support this far. This is a major step for us (but mostly Lynn). It has meant the world that you have been with us.

Something to focus your thoughts for the next 24 hours....
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