Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Hotel California

Lynn has walked around several times. She ate a light dinner (broth, jello, cranberry juice and some tea) and kept it down. So you may ask why we are still in our hospital room. Well, because we're unsure as to the best option. The suggestion of the nurses was to stay the night and be sure to get things down and have breakfast in the morning. This would further confirm that she was good to go and allow the weather to clear up. Who am I to argue with reason? Ok, it's what I wanted in the first place--I don't risk much when it comes to Lynn.

Our plan is to leave in the morning for home. We can't wait. We hope our cat forgives our absence. He's ornery that way, but he means well.


Anonymous said...

Hurrah for home! Please let us all know when is a safe time (or which is the safest number) to call.

Anonymous said...

Nurses are wonderful people...what a calling....let them care for you tonight and tomorrow you can nestle in to your own nest...ahhhhh. love to you both -- night night xoxo B'Sarah

Michaela said...

ditto on jemma's post