Monday, November 19, 2007

Chemo 8 Complete!

With a bow and flourish, we happily announce that we are finished with the first batch of chemo! Hooray! I had one bad day (Saturday), but have overall been OK. So, now, we are hoping and wishing and praying as hard as we can that this last round of Taxol will clean up all the remaining tumor, as this would remove the need for more chemo next year.

It has been a tumultuous last few weeks, trying to integrate the joy of being nearly finished with chemotherapy, the dread of upcoming surgery, and the terror of the possibility of more chemo and what that could mean. Thankfully, we get a few weeks off to process everything that has happened before we need to assimilate any new information. Although "wait and see" is not really something Zack and I are good at, we are grateful for a little break (or, we could just be too tired to worry about anything else right now). After surgery, we'll start another round of doctor's appointments to plan the next stages, and we should have a revised plan by Christmas. Right now, though, we are focused on Thanksgiving/Christmas with the Gazley clan, eating, drinking, and making merry.