Friday, December 7, 2007

I'm Back

Having spent a thoroughly civilized afternoon - sitting up! in a chair! - I am feeling much better. My chest is very sore, and I have extremely limited arm motion, but I made it up and down stairs twice today with no ill effects. Solid food and I seem to have come to a new mutual understanding, as well. Even with a laptop, the keyboard is at the far end of my comfortable reach, so my posts will be short for a while.


Michaela said...


Anonymous said...

Oh thank goodness! This is wonderful news. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

Lynn-- Your strength and courage is astounding. Relieved to hear that you are more mobile. Can't wait to se eyou in person!

Anonymous said...

oops... "strength and courage are"... :)

Erin said...

So glad to hear you are on the road to recovery. To paraphrase your mom's presurgery observation: today is the first day of the rest of your life [without cancer]. I wish we were there to visit or cook or just be with you.

Anonymous said...

Great to hear that you are well on your way to an outstanding recovery! Our thoughts remain with you. Please continue to keep us posted with the good news!
