Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Blog Party

February 15th is the last day of Lynn's radiation! To celebrate, you are cordially invited to a blog party. For all of you local lurkers and posters, we've decided to use this celebration as an excuse to host a party so that the names you see below the comments can be placed with faces.

We know that there are people who are not local who cannot make it and as much as we would love a huge party with everyone from everywhere, we know it's not feasible. So those of you who are long distance, please forgive us for excluding you.

That said, this pot-luck scenario will be on Saturday, 2/16/2008. We will open our doors at 10am CST and close them again at 4pm. This allows those with small children to plan around naps. It also means that we can cook for six hours straight (for those of us cooking on the spot). If you need oven time, book ahead as we only have one and it will most likely be in use the whole time.

Please comment on the blog that you can attend, when you are coming, who is coming with you and what you are bringing. Please plan on bringing enough food for six people along with associated serving dishes utensils. We will handle plates, cups and utensils.

If you have any questions, please email me directly and I can coordinate.

Yay party!


Berit and James said...

What a great idea! James and I will definetely be there!

Need some time to think about what to bring, but will post on this blog once I have decided.

Look forward to celebrating with you both.

gabster said...

Chris, Savino & Gabrielle will be there and will be bringing a sour cream almond pound cake dusted with powdered sugar and love!

DougW said...

I'm in - Sounds like fun.

JEPZ said...

I am sorry that I will not be there to celebrate with you! But, I do want all of your guests to celebrate the amount of money we are raising with you as our mascot. Right now, Team Lynn is one of the top 10 fund-raising teams for the Chicago walk. Take a look: http://walk.avonfoundation.org/site/PageServer?pagename=chic_home_2k8

People love you, honey.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, Steve's folks are in town then, and it's the last day I have with them before tech, which starts Sunday. So I don't think we can make it, but we'll be there in spirit. I'll let you know if that changes.

Unknown said...

Sadly Terry and I will not be there physically, but we'll be there in spirit. And we'll look forward to seeing you when we get back in late March.

Anonymous said...

I am 98% sure I can come! Yay. I will bring a veggie main dish that can heat on the stove -- chili or maybe saag paneer (which I have never made but have always wanted to try to make) or maybe a hearty soup like lentil.

Anonymous said...

Sadly we are so so far away, Lynn.

Even can't join cerebration party but I can join happiness and joyfulness with you two, my friends

“A cheerful heart is good medicine”

Michaela said...

you know I'll be there! I'll make something like tabouli salad or beet& goat cheese salad - something that won't require the oven! (though I'm happy to bring some appetizer-y things to heat up, too)

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, we are so far away. We will make something fun for dinner to keep the spirit, though. BTW, the fam is considering a trip to Chicago this summer. I hope to see you then!

Anonymous said...

Count us in! Can't wait to see you!

Anonymous said...

Will you do a simultaneous web cast so we can join in the fun??

Anonymous said...

Sarah and I will be there around noon-ish, bringing already baked cupcakes. Look forward to seeing you!

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Anonymous said...

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