Monday, February 11, 2008


Five more days of radiation! One small handful of active treatments left and I am graduated to pure prevention activity.

So, of course, the only appropriate response is to THROW A PARTY!

Here's the link for the address & such.

We're opening our doors at 10am for those who'd like to help prep/cook/etc. It's an all day, open house affair, so drop in anytime. Champagne corks pop at noon, if you'd like to be here for the official toasts. Pass the invite on to anyone who might like to participate, anyone you'd like to bring, etc. Families welcome - we'll prep the upstairs bedroom for naptime, just in case.

See you Saturday!

1 comment:

Kathy Insley said...

Hi guys,

Congratulations on the last of your treatments, Lynn. We'll be thinking of you on Saturday. Alex told me he rec'd the family tree and related info you put together. I'll be interested to see it, not only for family tree purposes (I have the MyHeritage family tree program I've been filling in), but particularly to keep it in mind for Maggie's future health.

With love,