Monday, March 17, 2008

Bubonic Plague

I have tracked down Lynn. She is doing well, but very groggy. She's had some slight nausea which we are hoping goes away fairly soon. The one interesting thing is that she's currently sharing a room. The women in the same room seems to have some sort of lung issue as she's coughing regularly. She says it's not contagious which makes me think of lung cancer. Sigh.

We are in room 1060 for now, but I expect that to change. Looks like we are definitely here one night.

UPDATE: It pays to remember people. The head nurse moved Lynn to a private room (1065) for the night. It was the last room they had so I'm glad I asked.


Michaela said...

blow a kiss her way for me.

Zack said...

She says thanks!