Friday, August 3, 2007

Doc 1:Insurance Co 0

Dr B badgered the insurance company into submission. That said, the CT scan was approved. After much scrambling a new appointment was made for tomorrow at noon. For those of you who have never had a CT scan, be grateful. I saw the two kegs of barium that Lynn needs to drink prior to the scan (one 3 hours before and another 1 hour before). At least these are vanilla flavored. I don't want to know what barium flavored tastes like.

The secondary diagnosis is in from the pathologist. Looks like the cancer is susceptible to hormone therapy. We're not sure whether that means they will suppress the ovaries or remove them, but that comes after chemo. Chemo has been moved up to Monday as Lynn was experiencing some pain. Looks like Dr B is not wasting any time. Chemo every other week on top of growth hormone to keep the bones producing. This is more often than the usual every three weeks. Surgical consult is Tuesday and then....we wait. Not much to do except see Dr B every other week.

I took off work on Monday to be there for Lynn and am leaving work early on Tuesday for the Dr S appt. This will be our first time meeting her. Dr B said that there was some concern about the left side that Dr S may talk about---nothing conclusive but enough to keep an eye on.

That all said, we're wiped out. I think it's going to hit hardest sometime Wednesday or Thursday when there's nothing to do but wait. Not sure when the next test is to see if the chemo is working--we'll know by the size of the growth (it's gotten even bigger since a few days ago).

Tired. Scared. A bit lost. Mostly drained.

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