Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Mid-Cycle Doldrums

Just tired. That seems to be the story of the middle of my chemo cycle (days 5-10ish). I am not getting sick anymore (hooray!), though my stomach is still pretty sensitive.

The Clan McCharmetzley worked some painting magic in my back room over the last two days. Warning - I'll be calling in favors from my guests over the next week or so to finish the job. My part of the project, though, involved mostly sitting and watching the magic (and acting as DJ). And I was still in bed by 8 o'clock! I know I should count my blessings that I feel as well as I do, but I do feel incredibly disassociated from my body. The one that now needs naps.

The blessing I DO count measures all the help I've received and am counting on this week to finish the back room project. You've all created/will create a room I can get well in. Thanks!


Mars said...

Glad to hear that things are getting 'easier'. Let us know what we can do to help, becuase painting within the lines is fun. Big Hugs from Us.

Anonymous said...

hey! -- little known fact is that eric used to be a painting contractor. He would love to come help for a few hours on whatever needs doing around the house while I chat with you, Lynn (yes, I asked before I offered!!!) Really, put him to work. emial me.

laura beth