Sunday, August 5, 2007

Nap City (in Blue)

The lull. The quiet before the storm.

There's not much to do today. We have a full fridge, no guests and an empty to-do list (or at least one that we're very comfortable ignoring for the day). Given the past few days (week+), it's a nice respite. I even got in a nap (if partially unsuccessful). So....what's next?

I think the next step is how to have life continue and still have support when needed. So far I have been able to work from home on Wednesdays and Lynn's parents will be here for Thursdays and Fridays (thanks Sarah and John!). Weekends are always good for friends from out of town to visit, but I'm not sure what the balance is between too little and too much. As I'm trying to keep work normal, we'll probably also need a Monday and Tuesday team as well (local volunteers accepted).

Side Note: Lynn and I constantly check the blog for comments. If your curious, we really enjoy them!


B'Sarah said...

Dear Cuz and Cuz-in-law -- This blog is such a gift....not only does it create connection for us to both of you, but also for all of us with each's a such an act of generosity and grace, thank you!!

Zack said...

Thanks Sarah. I actually talked to Lynn about that today--that having everyone we know able to share it with each other really combines many worlds.

It's a bit funny--a public blog for people as private as Lynn and I. Given the frequency of clinical updates from this point on, it will allow us to really put down what's going on emotionally.

Michaela said...

once I'm back in town, I'd like to be put on the Monday/Tuesday team-rotation, please.

Zack said...

Michaela and everyone: If you'd like to schedule time, please email me specific dates. Right now, between Lynn's parents and I, we have Wednesday to Sunday covered. This does NOT mean you can't come this day. It only means that we need Monday and Tuesday people.