Friday, August 10, 2007

Of Crock Pots and Mulch

I am now convinced that I have been lead astray. Why have I never owned a crock pot before? It's the bachelor's answer to the cooked meal. I bought one yesterday just to try out this freezer crock pot meal I had bought a while back as a means to eat while Lynn was away. Lynn and Sarah made it today and it was great! And Lynn ate two bowls! I have seen the light.

This weekend's work is cut out for me--I just had 6 yards of mulch delivered. If anyone needs a workout, feel free to stop by. Should be days of fun. At least it's been too dry to cut the grass. I think I did that three weeks ago and it still doesn't need it. Plus there's movies, reading and dying Lynn's hair purple. If pictures are allowed, I'll try and post some.

Special note for all care givers: Do not, I repeat, DO NOT ask your patient to take their temperature after eating hot food. The temperature will be wrong. No need to freak yourself out.


Unknown said...

For your crock pot:
Turkish Red Lentil Soup
2 cups red lentils (in the bean section of the super market. They have moved out of the health food store)
1/4 cup long grain rice
1/4 cup olive oil
1 cup chopped onions
2 Tablespoons tomato paste
1/2 cup chopped tomatoes
1/4 tsp cayenne
9 cups chicken stock
salt to taste
(Double, triple, whatever to use up the cans of whatever you buy)
Mix it all together and cook. The red lentils will dissolve into a puree, so the soup is thick.
Filling and good with fresh bread and cheese and great the next day.

Love, mom

Zack said...

What temp (low, med, high) and how long?

Unknown said...

This is a regular soup recipe. To adapt it to the crock pot, I suggest that you cook on 3-4 hours on low. I am sure that overcooking will do no harm but to make it more creamy. There's more than enough broth.

A friend suggested this book: Fix it and Forget it 5 ingredient favorites by Phyllis Pellman Good. I will scan in some recipes and email it over.