Saturday, September 1, 2007

Asking For Help

I have realized that I'm terrible at asking for help. Let's just say that not only do I not want to inconvenience people, but I feel if I have something to do, I should do it myself. Well---I guess asking for help is OK.

This weekend we've already finished the mulch and the lawn. The back room is getting much closer to being done. The trim and the shelves are done. The cabinet itself needs another coat or two. Tomorrow we paint the back of the cabinet, the windows and the bottom wall---our goal is to have the room usable again by evening tomorrow.

Thank you Gazleys for your hard work and willingness to do whatever it takes to help (my sanity).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As Tim, the Toolman, Taylor once said... "Arough aourgh aoghr aorgh" which in this case means you're welcome and if painting, cleaning, and yard work is what I can do to help, let me help and I will feel as though I am contributing.