Saturday, October 13, 2007

Calling all diggers

I had this idea that having spring tulips and daffodils to look forward to would help me get through this long, tough winter. I got excited, and found a great deal on daffodils and muscari. I mentioned the idea to several family members, and boxes of bulbs have been appearing throughout the last several weeks. As a result, I have several hundred flower bulbs looking for homes in my yard.

Due to unanticipated circumstances, however, my Martha Stewart of bulbs has altered her plans to visit and won't be coming until after bulb planting season. Which means, we really could use some help. Anyone visiting this week who doesn't mind getting dirty, we have a great project for you. And next weekend is open season for anyone who wants to come up, say hello, and get some daffodils (or a crocus, or a hyacinth, or a tulip or three) into the garden. I'll make the hot apple cider and hot cocoa!


Anonymous said...

ohhhhh. I wish I could be there to help! Although the toddler would probably dig up as many as I planted... on second thought, maybe it's just better we didn't help with this one. We'll send good vibes.


Michaela said...

ready, willing, and able. see you tuesday :)

Anonymous said...

Hello dear cousin...I'm so wanting to be there to help with the bulbs!! BTW, did you ever get an augger?? If not, mine is on it's you...

Berit and James said...

I love digging! See you tomorrow :)

Anonymous said...

Wish I lived close enough to come over and spend time with a good friend. Miss you.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Stewart:

I do believe certain mother-in-laws of mine brought over a bulb tool that we look forward to utilizing, but the more the merrier.

Erin said...

cocoa? pie?! Can I dig long distance?

But I'll look forward to being there when they come up :)