Monday, December 10, 2007

Home is Where the Lynn Is.

So I am at work today and I realized that I'd much rather be home. It's not that I dislike work. I just like home. Of course being at the hospital wasn't great, but I was with Lynn so it was better. There is something about really enjoying being home. Nothing replaces it.

Dare I say that there is something to the communal living which allows us someone to be there for us day and night should we need it. John and Sarah have been great and willing to drive the hour plus to reach us, but think of how easy it would be on them being down the street. But I digress.

Lynn gets chinese food in celebration of one week since surgery. Yay Lynn!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Home is always where the Lynn is. Excited to hear you will be having some chinese food. That is something we regularly eat around here too! The best restaurants are lebanese, indian, or chinese. There are a few french ones in the mix too.

Big hug! bon appetit