Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Bear(er) of Good News

If there is a person out there that can stand in for me in taking care of Lynn (read: kick the crap out of people who mistreat Lynn), it is Dr H. She has already "laid into" people on her behalf and has been a very strong advocate for her. Thanks, Dr H! I will still be talking to the head nurse, but battle one is complete.

She shared some good news on her way out. Part 1 (the washings) of the path report has come back negative. This means that there is no free floating cancer cells (even microscopic) in the abdomen. This is great news! We still need the full report to celebrate, but there is a huge collective sigh of relief here.


Berit and James said...

Wonderful news!

Anonymous said...

great! **doing the cabbage patch** be glad you don't have to see it.
Laura Beth