Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Crying Uncle

It's official - the implants come out tomorrow. Dr. L thinks that the infection keeps smoldering on the surface of the implant, and that the antibiotics won't touch it. We could take another week and see what happens, but I've reached the end of my tether. I am tired of being sick, and just want to move forward.

So, now I need to deal with another major alteration to my self concept, but at least it will be the last change for a while. I figure one more week in a bathrobe, mostly to accommodate the surgical drains, and then I am on to a full time healing schedule. I keep thinking I should be depressed as hell over the whole thing, but at this point I am just relieved to have an end in sight. Mirror-gazing will be pretty jarring for the next few weeks, but I'll get there.

I should be home by tomorrow night. Casseroles and company welcome! Check out my new streamlined look...

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