Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Story

Lynn did an interview with NPR's "The Story". It aired yesterday afternoon. As if you all didn't know, she is wonderful. Enjoy and feel free to post comments here. As you are all well aware, this took a great deal of effort for Lynn to do and it was a very selfless act. I would request (not that I assume that any of you would do otherwise) that you are all sensitive in your comments here and to Lynn about the show.


Nadine said...

it's beautiful, Lynn. Made me cry. It sounds like it really made a big difference to you to be able to save your mom. You are such a role model about looking at the bright side of all this. (And YOU do it without biking!!!)

Kathy Insley said...

Just listened to it and you were frank, articulate, heartfelt and all around lovely, as usual...was good to learn more about what you and Zack have been through. Wonderful job.