Wednesday, August 8, 2007

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

Today was difficult on Lynn. The impact of yesterday's appointment really sunk in. It's hard to hear someone talk about you in a very clinical way. It wasn't that she was rude, just that she was logical to a fault. Some of that hit while we were at Dr B's today.

Lynn began some of the medications after that appointment for nausea and for pain. I think that all of them are helping but the nausea from the chemo really hit hard today. She barely ate anything at all that she kept down. I worry profusely, but on some level I just hope for the better days to make up for the bad ones.

There are no more doctor's appointments until the 20th. I think this may be a good thing, though it creates quite a bit of idle time for Lynn. Sleeping well first---eating and drinking second?

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